Source code for pygorithm.binary.base2

Binary: Base2

Conversions from base2 to:
  - base10
  - base16

Author: Ian Doarn
BINARY_HEX_VALUES = {"0000": "0", "0001": "1", "0010": "2",
                     "0011": "3", "0100": "4", "0101": "5",
                     "0110": "6", "0111": "7", "1000": "8",
                     "1001": "9", "1010": "A", "1011": "B",
                     "1100": "C", "1101": "D", "1110": "E",
                     "1111": "F"}

[docs]def to_ascii(b, visualize=False): """ Convert binary to ASCII :param b: binary number or array :param visualize: Show process :return: ASCII String """ binary = b # Make sure give binary is a str array if type(b) is str: binary = b.split(' ') elif type(b) is list: binary = b string = '' for b_value in binary: if visualize: print("{} -> {} -> {}".format( b_value, to_base10(int(b_value)), chr(to_base10(int(b_value))) )) value = to_base10(int(b_value)) string += chr(value) return string
[docs]def to_base10(n, visualize=False): """ Convert given number to a list for every number do the following formula x * 2 + number repeat for each result! Example: binary number = 100110 0 x 2 + 1 = 1 1 x 2 + 0 = 2 2 x 2 + 0 = 4 4 x 2 + 1 = 9 9 x 2 + 1 = 19 19 x 2 + 0 = 38 :param n: binary number :param visualize: Show process :return: decimal number """ if type(n) is str: raise ValueError('value must be int not type {}'.format(str(type(n)))) x = 0 _list = [int(i) for i in str(n)] for number in _list: if visualize: print("{} x 2 + {} = {}".format(str(x), str(number), str(x * 2 + number))) x = x * 2 + number return x
[docs]def to_base16(n, visualize=False): """ Convert binary numbers to hexadecimal numbers :param n: binary number :param visualize: Visualise the process :return: hexadecimal number """ grouped_list = __create_group_list(n) _list = [] for value in grouped_list: if visualize: print("{} -> {}".format(value, BINARY_HEX_VALUES[value])) # for each value in the grouped_list, # get its respective value from the hex # table by referencing the key with the # current value from the grouped_list _list.append(BINARY_HEX_VALUES[value]) return ''.join(_list)
def __create_group_list(n): """ Helper method for conversion Takes binary number and converts to a list of grouped binary values Process: 1. convert number to a list of chars 2. reverse the list 3. iterate through the list creating groups of 4 removing each value as its iterated 4. if the remaining values can not make a group, add 0's to the end to get to 4 5. join each list together 6. reverse each value in the final list to put them back in order Example: n = 11101100101001001100101001 reverse = 10010100110010010100110111 Start grouping values: [['1', '0', '0', '1'], ['0', '1', '0', '0'], ['1', '1', '0', '0'], ['1', '0', '0', '1'], ['0', '1', '0', '0'], ['1', '1', '0', '1']] remaining value = 11 add missing 0's -> 1100 join each list: ['1', '0', '0', '1'] = 1001 ['0', '1', '0', '0'] = 0100 ['1', '1', '0', '0'] = 1100 ['1', '0', '0', '1'] = 1001 ['0', '1', '0', '0'] = 0100 ['1', '1', '0', '1'] = 1101 ['1100', '1101', '0100', '1001', '1100', '0100', '1001'] reverse final list result = ['0011', '1011', '0010', '1001', '0011', '0010', '1001'] :param n: binary number :return: list """ reversed_number_list = list(str(n)[::-1]) grouped_list = [] while len(reversed_number_list) != 0: # go until list is empty if len(reversed_number_list) < 4: # remaining values can not make a group # join remaining values value = ''.join(reversed_number_list) # find the missing amount needed then add that many # zeros to the end of the value f_value = value + ('0' * (4 - len(value))) # add to the group grouped_list.append(f_value) break else: temp_list = [] while len(temp_list) != 4: # go until temp list does not have 4 values temp_list.append(reversed_number_list.pop(0)) # join each value in temp list and add to group grouped_list.append(''.join(temp_list)) # reverse the entire grouped_list # then reverse each value in the grouped_list # and return the results return [i[::-1] for i in grouped_list[::-1]]