Source code for pygorithm.strings.anagram

Created On: 17th August 2017
from collections import Counter
import inspect

[docs]def is_anagram(word, _list): """ANAGRAM An anagram is direct word switch or word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once we are taking a word and a list. We return the anagrams of that word from the given list and return the list of anagrams else return empty list. :param word: word :param _list: list of words :return: anagrams """ word = word.lower() anagrams = [] for words in _list: if word != words.lower(): if Counter(word) == Counter(words.lower()): anagrams.append(words) return anagrams
[docs]def get_code(): """ returns the code for the is_anagram function :return: source code """ return inspect.getsource(is_anagram)