Source code for pygorithm.data_structures.tree

Created On: 9th August 2017

Node class to create a node 
for binary tree
import inspect

[docs]class Node(object): """ Node class for creating a node for tree. Each node has its data and a pointer that points to next node in the Linked List """ def __init__(self, data=None): self.left = None self.right = None = data
[docs] def set_left(self, node): """ for setting the left child of the node """ self.left = node
[docs] def set_right(self, node): """ for setting the right child of the node """ self.right = node
[docs] def get_left(self): """ for getting the left child of the node """ return self.left
[docs] def get_right(self): """ for getting the right child of the node """ return self.right
[docs] def set_data(self, data): """ for setting the data of the node """ = data
[docs] def get_data(self): """ for getting the data of the node """ return
[docs] def get_code(): """ returns the code of the current class """ return inspect.getsource(Node)
[docs]class BinaryTree(object): """ BinaryTree class to create a binary tree """ def __init__(self): self._in_order = [] self._pre_order = [] self._post_order = []
[docs] def inorder(self, root): """ in this we traverse first to the leftmost node, then print its data and then traverse for rightmost node :param root: Node object """ if root: # traverse to leftmost child self.inorder(root.get_left()) # get the data of current node self._in_order.append(root.get_data()) # traverse to rightmost child self.inorder(root.get_right()) return self._in_order
[docs] def preorder(self, root): """ in this we first print the root node and then traverse towards leftmost node and then to the rightmost node :param root: Node object """ if root: # get the data of current node self._pre_order.append(root.get_data()) # traverse to leftmost child self.preorder(root.get_left()) # traverse to rightmost child self.preorder(root.get_right()) return self._pre_order
[docs] def postorder(self, root): """ in this we first traverse to the leftmost node and then to the rightmost node and then print the data :param root: Node object """ if root: # traverse to leftmost child self.postorder(root.get_left()) # traverse to rightmost child self.postorder(root.get_right()) # traverse to rightmost child self._post_order.append(root.get_data()) return self._post_order
[docs] def get_code(): """ returns the code of the current class """ return inspect.getsource(BinaryTree)
[docs]class BSTNode(object): """ class for creating a node for binary Search tree """ def __init__(self, data): = data self.left_child = None self.right_child = None self._in_order = [] self._pre_order = [] self._post_order = []
[docs] def set_left(self, node): """ for setting the left child of the node """ self.left_child = node
[docs] def set_right(self, node): """ for setting the right child of the node """ self.right_child = node
[docs] def get_left(self): """ returns the left child of the current node """ return self.left_child
[docs] def get_right(self): """ returns the right child of the current node """ return self.right_child
[docs] def set_data(self, data): """ for setting the data of a node """ = data
[docs] def get_data(self): """ returns the data of the current node """ return
[docs] def insert(self, data): """ For inserting the data in the Tree """ if == data: # As BST cannot contain duplicate data return False elif data < # Data less than the root data is placed to the left of the root if self.left_child: return self.left_child.insert(data) else: self.left_child = BSTNode(data) return True else: # Data greater than the root data is placed to the right of the root if self.right_child: return self.right_child.insert(data) else: self.right_child = BSTNode(data) return True
[docs] def min_val_bst_node(bst_node): """ for returning the node with the lowest value """ current = bst_node # loop down to find the leftmost leaf while current.left_child is not None: current = current.left_child return current
[docs] def delete(self, data): """ For deleting the bst_node """ if self is None: return None # if current bst_node's data is less than that of root bst_node, # then only search in left subtree else right subtree if data < self.left_child = self.left_child.delete(data) elif data > self.right_child = self.right_child.delete(data) else: # deleting bst_node with one child if self.left_child is None: temp = self.right_child return temp elif self.right_child is None: temp = self.left_child return temp # deleting bst_node with two children # first get the inorder successor temp = self.min_val_bst_node(self.right_child) = self.right_child = self.right_child.delete( return self
[docs] def find(self, data): """ This function checks whether the specified data is in tree or not """ if data == return True elif data < if self.left_child: return self.left_child.find(data) else: return False else: if self.right_child: return self.right_child.find(data) else: return False
[docs] def inorder(self, root): """ in this we first traverse to the leftmost node and then print the data and then move to the rightmost child :param root: Node object """ if root: # traverse to leftmost child self.inorder(root.get_left()) # get the data of current node self._in_order.append(root.get_data()) # traverse to rightmost child self.inorder(root.get_right()) return self._in_order
[docs] def preorder(self, root): """ in this we first print the root node and then traverse towards leftmost node and then to the rightmost node :param root: Node object """ if root: # get the data of current node self._pre_order.append(root.get_data()) # traverse to leftmost child self.preorder(root.get_left()) # traverse to rightmost child self.preorder(root.get_right()) return self._pre_order
[docs] def postorder(self, root): """ in this we first traverse to the leftmost node and then to the rightmost node and then print the data :param root: Node object """ if root: # traverse to leftmost child self.postorder(root.get_left()) # traverse to rightmost child self.postorder(root.get_right()) # get the data of current node self._post_order.append(root.get_data()) return self._post_order
[docs] def get_code(): """ returns the code of current class """ return inspect.getsource(BSTNode)
[docs]class BinarySearchTree(object): def __init__(self): self.root = None
[docs] def insert(self, data): """ inserts a node in the tree """ if self.root: return self.root.insert(data) else: self.root = BSTNode(data) return True
[docs] def delete(self, data): """ deletes the node with the specified data from the tree """ if self.root is not None: return self.root.delete(data)
def find(self, data): if self.root: return self.root.find(data) else: return False
[docs] def preorder(self): """ finding the preorder of the tree """ if self.root is not None: return self.root.preorder(self.root)
[docs] def inorder(self): """ finding the inorder of the tree """ if self.root is not None: return self.root.inorder(self.root)
[docs] def postorder(self): """ finding the postorder of the tree """ if self.root is not None: return self.root.postorder(self.root)
[docs] def get_code(): """ returns the code of the current class """ return inspect.getsource(BinarySearchTree)